Hydrock 3T
Founded in 2008 and based in Warrington, 3T Safety Consultants Ltd were acquired by Hydrock in 2023 and renamed as Hydrock 3T. The business specialises in safety and risk management services to the UK and international nuclear industry.

Advice across the nuclear lifecycle
Hydrock 3T deliver nuclear safety and risk management expertise across the lifecycle of nuclear plants, from design, through construction and operation, to decommissioning.
In particular, this capability includes the management and production of safety case documentation to meet the requirements of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). This experience includes hazard identification techniques, reliability analysis and a thorough understanding of the ONR's Safety Assessment Principles.
The team also has extensive experience in criticality assessments, including criticality hazard analysis (HAZAN) production and management, criticality calculations and criticality safety assessments. This work is delivered across the whole lifecycle of a nuclear operation.
Hydrock 3T deliver:
- Safety case management and production
- Criticality assessment
- Hazard identification
- Safety and risk management analysis
- Reliability assessments
- Independent peer review
- Environmental assessment
- Human factors
- Training
Growing the size of Hydrock's nuclear consultancy team
The addition of the 3T team creates a significant addition to Hydrock's existing nuclear management consultancy team.
The service offering is broadly similar and complementary, while the client base is now extended and includes an international track record. The team at Hydrock 3T have long-established relationships with leading organisations in the sector such as Urenco, Sellafield, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, AWE and Nuclear Waste Services.
Our track record
Our track record includes:
Hydrock 3T is supporting CNL in the development of the safety case for the design and construction of the Advanced Nuclear Material Research Centre at the Chalk River Laboratories in Ontario.
We are supporting CNL's engagement with the regulator, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, to ensure a proportional, robust and compliant safety case process is specified.
We developed a methodology to deliver a graded approach to the identification of 'items important to safety' in the design and have applied this methodology in the delivery of project safety case documents with CNL.
We are supporting Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) as part of their team to develop the criticality safety approach for a future Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).
NWS has established a Project Steering Group to provide internal and external oversight of the work and invited us to sit as a National Advisory Member.
Strategy in England and Wales, in line with international best practice, is for long-term isolation and containment in a GDF of Higher Activity Radioactive Waste and spent fuel. This ‘Criticality Safety Project’ for NWS will focus on post-closure criticality safety and evidencing that it is fit-for-purpose.
We have delivered criticality assessment services to Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) to support their exotic fuels programme.
The support assisted a programme focused on justifications for retrieval, packaging and transport of a variety of fuels from the site.
A long-term partnership, providing safety case management and production services to Urenco.
We have delivered Category A safety cases for the E23 Continued Operation Safety and Environment Report, the A3 Criticality Safety Improvement Project, and the UF6 Movements and Storage.
We have provided radiological safety assessments, and have provided criticality safety assessments including HAZANs as well as operational support and input to design projects at Capenhurst.