Sensitive structural refurb in fashionable Bloomsbury

Appointed from RIBA Stage 1 to handover, we're delivering a sensitive structural engineering design for SAV Group to refurbish a Grade II listed hotel in the fashionable Bloomsbury area of central London.

Specialist property investor and developer, SAV Group acquired the long lease in 2022 on 4-6 Bedford Place, a Grade II listed Bloomsbury townhouse hotel.
With a goal to update the existing hotel into a 4 star plus hotel, they appointed our structural engineering team from RIBA Stage 1 through to handover, alongside architects Studio Moren.
The two key aspects to our work are the design of a new lift system to the rear of the property through existing timber structures and a two-storey masonry extension to the rear of the hotel.
The extension includes a retaining structure to create a new courtyard area whilst retaining a higher level to the rear garden. Our work includes the underpinning structures to support existing garden walls and internal load bearing walls adjacent to the proposed lift.
We are also advising on strengthening works to the roof and some minor internal alterations, in each case respecting the heritage requirements of the building and its surrounding area by providing reports to assist with listed building consent.
Images courtesy of Studio Moren