Unlocking sites for grid-scale battery energy storage

Site viability, financial modelling and technical advice to develop a range of grid-scale battery energy storage schemes totalling in excess of 150MW across southern England.

Across southern England and south Wales, we are supporting Aldustria to deliver grid-scale battery energy storage schemes (BESS) to support the creation of a low-carbon future.
Aldustria is an end-to-end provider of grid-scale energy storage. They procure, develop and operate battery storage facilities. Their objective is to store surplus energy when demand is low. This enables greater investment in renewable energy to decarbonise the grid through balancing and ensure a resilient and lower cost energy supply.
Working with their partners, Aldustria identify viable sites in proximity to established developments for potential storage schemes. Their core product are grid-connected projects ranging from 3MW to 20MW, and transmission-connected projects with a minimum capacity of 50MW.
Our integrated multi-disciplinary engineering team supports Aldustria through the process of site viability and planning consent. In particular, we deliver feasibility studies, environmental due diligence, financial modelling, environmental planning and technical development advice.
Key issues such as accessibility, impacts on surrounding communities, flood risk, noise, services design and utility connections are all essential parts of the support we give Aldustria on every site they consider and ultimately progress. This support extends to advising on co-located renewable energy generation schemes where the land availability and business case supports this investment.