Asbestos Management
Our robust approach to the discovery, management and removal of asbestos, minimises the associated risk and unlocks the true potential of a brownfield site.

The discovery of asbestos in the ground or redundant buildings does not need to excessively disrupt the future development of a brownfield site.
Through a safe, controlled and regulatory compliant approach, we excel at extinguishing the risk, so you can continue pushing forward.
A significant amount of the UK’s brownfield land is impacted by asbestos due to its historical use in construction. Our niche is in assessing the health and environmental risk, determining how to sustainably treat and re-use the impacted materials to avoid expensive disposal costs, and liaising with all regulators to ensure a development fully complies with all health and safety, and planning conditions.
Our team has been instrumental in the development of current industry guidance on the risks posed by asbestos in soil.
Early identification of asbestos and a professional and rigorous assessment is key to success. We also advocate clear and transparent dialogue with the regulatory authorities to secure agreements on remedial action.
We pride ourselves on delivering a bespoke, cost-effective solution without undue detriment to the construction programme.
Features and benefits of our service include:
- Safe, controlled, regulatory compliant approach.
- Clear, transparent dialogue with regulators.
- Options appraisals.
- Asbestos management plans.
- Verification plans.
- Expert witness support.
Asbestos in soils
In summary, our core services include:
- Desk studies and ground investigations
- Sampling and analysis
- Risk assessments
- Option appraisals, remediation strategies, materials management and verification plans
- Overseeing remedial works
- Support to meet legal obligations and comply with environmental regulations
- Compiling asbestos management plans
- Waste assessments and categorisation
- Expert witness and document review
Asbestos in buildings
In summary, our core services include:
- Assisting the commissioning and management of refurbishment and demolition asbestos surveys
- Assisting with selecting an asbestos removal contractor
- Compiling air monitoring strategies and air sampling campaigns
- Compiling asbestos management plans
- Sampling and assessing demolition arisings to ensure compliance with the WRAP protocol
Track Record
Our track record includes:
With over 450,000 tonnes of asbestos contaminated soil at this high-profile nuclear power plant, we delivered a safe, workable methodology to minimise off-site disposal. Our approach maximised the retention of a significant volume of the low-level asbestos contamination within the development boundary. Regular audits from the Environment Agency confirmed that the works were undertaken in accordance with the Materials Management Plan and followed the CL:AIRE Code of Practice.
Appointed by Grosvenor Britain & Ireland, we designed and implemented an extensive asbestos site investigation programme to support a major brownfield redevelopment in London. Isolating specific areas mitigated the release and spread of asbestos, while our communication with local residents and businesses was highly commended.
As part of our overall geo-environmental and geotechnical work on a large logistics and distribution facility in Central England, we identified an issue with waste asbestos cement used in historical farm maintenance activities. We devised a methodology to process and retain over 58,000m³ of potentially impacted material, verifying all our work with the local Environmental Health team.