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ESG and Corporate Sustainability

Sustainability is more than meeting regulatory obligations and stakeholder expectations. This is about seizing opportunities for responsible growth, innovation and making a difference in a changing world.

Every business, public body and investor feels the impact of societal, economic, and environmental change as a consequence of a changing climate.

Change is inevitable to the way you've always done things. The opportunity is to understand the impacts and create an environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy for your organisation that drives meaningful, sustainable change. This is how to be a responsible, resilient, and successful business.

We will help you connect the dots between a corporate sustainability strategy and its implementation. We’ll ensure it has integrity and is measurable at every step.

The core part of our delivery includes:

Emissions and nature solutions

Using our expertise in data science, finance, engineering, waste management, and biodiversity, we’ll help you understand your impact and make informed decisions.

We’re experts in corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly in Scope 3 emissions across the value chain.

By harnessing data science, we provide precise emissions measurements. This lays the groundwork for robust net zero strategies aligned with global targets and standards.​

ESG and sustainability strategy

We’ll help you establish and maintain a resilient ESG strategy that aligns with a sustainable economy, while ensuring cohesive action consistent with your corporate values and strategy​.

Reporting and disclosures

We utilise reporting and disclosures to identify gaps, steer your strategic decision-making, and facilitate proactive resource planning​.

Climate resilience

We’ll help you build resilience in a climate-defined future, through climate-related risk and opportunity assessments, scenario analysis, and transition planning for your business.​

Social value

We’ll help you tackle the challenge of tangibly measuring social impact and applying the results to sustainability strategies.

Features and benefits of our service include:

  • Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions assessments.
  • Assessment of climate-based risks and impacts.
  • Development of organisational and portfolio-wide net zero strategy.
  • Transitional risks analysis and business transition planning.
  • Stakeholder engagement to create a social value strategy.
  • Governance support for reporting against industry standards.
  • Advice on green finance and access to available funds and grants.
  • Implementation of an ESG and corporate organisational sustainability strategy.

How our approach will help you

Our approach to ESG and corporate sustainability includes our deep-rooted expertise in the following five areas.

Measuring emissions and setting reduction targets means you can make informed low-carbon and change management choices for your business. It helps optimise resource allocation, and by establishing strategies to reduce your impacts, it demonstrates your industry leadership.

As experts in corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly Scope 3 emissions across the value chain, we harness data science to provide precise measurements. This helps lay the groundwork for robust net zero strategies aligned with global targets and standards.

With our ability to gather and assess environmental data to shape decisions, we’ll support you with:

  • Greenhouse gas analysis:
    • Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
    • Science-based targets.
    • Supply chain engagement.
    • Reduction planning and net zero strategies.
  • Nature and biodiversity
    • Nature-positive strategies.
    • Science-based targets for nature.
    • Biodiversity net gain assessments.

In today's dynamic landscape, an effective ESG strategy is indispensable for creating enduring commercial value.

An ESG strategy must provide clear information to investors and stakeholders about how your business manages its impact, strengthens resilience, and aligns with a sustainable economy.

We ensure that your action is coordinated, coherent, and targets your pertinent sustainability topics, whilst remaining aligned with your overarching corporate values and strategy.

Key aspects of our support include:

  • (Double) materiality assessments.
  • ESG KPIs and metrics – definition and measurement.
  • Corporate sustainability framework development.
  • ESG governance models.

We support you with the relevant disclosures and reporting for your organisation.

We use this information to give you a series of strategic insights that provides you with the platform to make informed, long-term strategic business decisions on your approach to sustainability and climate change.

Our approach goes beyond mere alignment and compliance. We collect and verify your data, deliver a gap analysis, provide peer benchmarking reviews, support you with relevant disclosures and submissions, and help you with action planning and resource allocation.

The industry benchmarks and standards we advise on, include:

From comprehensive impact, risk, and opportunity assessments, to transition planning and risk integration, we deliver strategic solutions that build resilience for your business in a future world defined by climate change.

Our services not only deliver actionable insights but also ensure alignment and compliance with diverse reporting and disclosure requirements, including ISSB IFRS S2 standards.

Our advice includes:

  • Impact, risk, and opportunity (IRO) assessments:
    • IRO mapping and qualitative assessment (physical and transition risks).
    • Comprehensive quantitative IRO assessments (financial impact modelling).
  • Risk management and business resilience:
    • Risk integration and management.
    • Business resilience assessments.
  • Transition plans:
    • Gap analysis.
    • Transition plan taskforce (TPT).
    • Transition plan development and publication.

We’ll help you measure social impact and translate the results into sustainable business practices.

We draw from our own deep on-the-ground experience in social value measurement, and we offer a comprehensive delivery model featuring digital management tools, guidance, and templates.

Our services – detailed here – can be summarised as:

  • Corporate social value framework and strategy.
  • Public sector PPN 06/21 responses.
  • Built environment project level support:
    • Screening.
    • Pre-acquisition due diligence.
    • Tender.
    • Design and construction stage support.

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