Materials Management
Essential to the environmental credentials of any project when excavations or earthworks are required.

Promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions is at the forefront of any remedial site work to prepare brownfield, or previously contaminated sites for future development.
Keeping materials on-site can significantly reduce the carbon emissions of a scheme. Robust, comprehensive material management is essential to achieving this. It will also minimise the need to import replacement materials, helping to preserve natural resources.
Hydrock is proud to have sponsored the development of the Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice’ (DoWCoP) introduced by CL:AIRE (Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments).
Using and implementing a Materials Management Plan (MMP) under DoWCoP will detail how existing materials will be reused safely and appropriately, avoiding disposal, which in turn reduces off-site construction vehicle road movements.
A MMP is good practice regardless of the regulatory mechanism by which the material can be re-used and should be in place before soils are excavated and reused. It is not possible to declare an MMP or apply for an exemption or permit retrospectively.
Alternatives include the use of waste exemptions and environmental permits, and our specialists can help you navigate the best route for re-using materials without risking a breach of waste regulations.
Changes to landfill tax rules in 2018 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, extended the scope of landfill tax to impact the property development and construction sector. It placed emphasis on the definition of waste, which meant that sites that reuse materials without an appropriate environmental permit, waste exemption or MMP in place, risk significant fines and tax payments by HMRC.
Features and benefits include:
- Reduce material waste and encourage value engineering.
- Re-use materials, whilst avoiding lengthy and costly environmental permits.
- Advice at any stage of MMP development for brownfield or greenfield sites.
- Save time, save money, reduce risk.
- Promote sustainability and reduce carbon intensity.
What we deliver
We work with designers, programme managers and main contractors to support efficient material management controls. We develop and declare MMPs that will provide the required regulatory evidence and compliance to undertake excavations and reuse of materials during development
The MMPs are supported by the necessary robust risk assessments and either Design Statements or Remediation Strategies to achieve regulatory acceptance.
Complying with the DoWCoP rules, we ensure your MMP details, where relevant:
- How naturally occurring, uncontaminated soils are being re-used on-site
- Why naturally occurring, uncontaminated soils can be transferred between sites
- How contaminated soils can be re-used safely on-site
- Tracking system for the planned movement of materials
- Verification plan to provide auditable compliance with the MMP
- Contingency arrangements