Travel Plans
Creating choice for everyone to enjoy safe and sustainable methods of travel.

Travel plans are an integral part of the planning process, evidencing that sustainable and active forms of travel are firmly embedded into a development proposal.
A travel plan aims to reduce the number of people travelling alone by car in favour of sustainable transport initiatives.
Through consultation and evidence, travel plans improve movement around existing sites. And are tailored to local communities. They also help provide wider benefits by addressing air quality, congestion and parking issues.
Travel plans are especially valuable if the purpose is for an organisation to retain or recruit staff by helping people understand the travel options available to them.
For new developments, a travel plan is essential to advising on safe, sustainable and active travel options.
Features and benefits of our service include:
- Safe, sustainable travel options
- Sophisticated forecasting and modelling of movement
- Travel options for employee engagement initiatives
- Travel Plan Co-ordinator role
What we deliver
We advise on the most practical and appropriate ways to design and provide a range of safe and sustainable travel options for the public.
Our work includes:
- Big picture understanding of sustainable methods of travel within a development proposal
- Advising on area-wide travel plans to release capacity on the network
- Sophisticated forecasting and modelling
- Travel planning advice to developers, local authorities, businesses to help them engage with communities and employees
- Acting as Travel Plan Co-ordinator
By understanding the local community and all user needs, a travel plan can offer a package of great ideas to encourage more sustainable modes of transport, including cycling, car sharing, walking and public transport.