Utility Management
Making smart energy accessible for everyone by addressing capacity constraints and maximising on-site generation to unlock sites and future-proof communities.

Development sites can be unlocked, optimised and future-proofed by improving access to power, developing microgrids and investing in renewable energy schemes.
With the existing grid stretched and at capacity, and infrastructure often cost-prohibitive to reach new, proposed developments, attention must turn to low-carbon energy transformation projects at all scales.
The opportunity to invest in smart, integrated infrastructure will support your decarbonisation goals. It will also provide both resilience of power supply and the opportunity for storage and revenue generation.
From energy storage to distributed generation, our utility management specialists are creating opportunities for investment in smart energy.
Through our financial modelling, we develop smart energy strategies in line with statutory and regulatory requirements, and national and local planning policy. These strategies create community energy programmes that make development sites viable and meet decarbonisation goals.
Features and benefits of our service include:
- Reach your net zero targets.
- Optimise your costs and ensure future resilience.
- Identify how to profit from decarbonisation.
- Experienced in liaising with planning authorities, distribution network operators and other statutory consultees.
- Wide-ranging skills spanning advisory and specialist technical.
- Tailored approach to every project.
Our utility management specialists advise on:
- Due diligence
- Capacity assessments
- Diversions and connections
- Cost appraisals
- Wayleaves and easements
- Masterplanning/planning
- Delivery models
- Utility works tendering
- EV charging
- Microgrids
We make strategic land and development sites viable by overcoming capacity constraints, reducing energy demand and maximising on-site generation to reduce connection costs and grid reinforcement charges.
How our approach will help you
Our expertise includes:
- Site due diligence to establish accessibility, capacity, and reinforcement and diversion costs to connect to the grid.
- Modelling to predict demand-side response and shape energy demand management.
- Electric vehicle charging strategies to model demand from the grid and establish revenue stacks and the viability of sites for charging infrastructure.
- Analysis of the opportunities to establish micro-grids and behind-the-meter generation, using cost/benefit and long-term revenue generation models.
- Network design and planning support, to include links to renewable energy systems and energy storage facilities.
- Facilitate relationships with DNOs, IDNOs, ICPs and ESCos to provide clients with cost effective options and procurement routes.
Our track record:
As part of our energy and sustainability delivery on a phased, 3,400 home development from Urban & Civic, we are supporting the procurement of new future-proofed utility supplies for an all-electric scheme with EV charging and are providing advice on a 15-year phased strategy.
We've assessed sub-stations and conducted cost appraisals to bring power to proposed sites around London and the south-east.
We've advised the Welsh Government with a fully-costed optioneering study for a range of renewable energy options, including generation and storage, to support the development of a site near Celtic Lakes for hi-tech organisations.
As part of our integrated engineering and energy delivery, we’ve advised on utilities capacity, EV charging strategies and opportunities for smart energy generation and storage on a range of sites.
We've delivered technology and economic modelling to unlock a site with prohibitive costs for installations to the DNO. Our work demonstrated significant cost saving potential through load management and load shifting.
To meet local policy requirements we have advised on a range of energy options and supported the port with design, delivery models, funding and operational input.